Cutting the Psychic Energy Chords

It is becoming more and more evident that there is an invisible web of energy tying us all together. This Web of energy is talked about in books such as "The Field" by Lynne McTaggart, "What You Can Feel You Can Heal," by John Gray, "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield, and even movies like "The Secret" and "What the Bleep Do We Know."

Lawn Mower

We know that we are affected by unseen forces. For example, we don't see the wind or the air we breathe. We don't see viruses in the air, or bacteria on our food. Similarly we don't see the invisible thread of energy that goes between ourselves and those we relate with on a daily basis.

Lawn Mower

I began understanding the psychic connection between people about ten years ago although I've known about it on some level most of my life.

I was on a massage table having some energy work done and my therapist said there were so many psychic chords attached to me that he needed to get out the lawn mower. It was a sort of joke between us. Normally when one performs a chord cutting exercise he uses an imaginary sword or scissors.

Right as the energy worker went over my psychic energy field with the lawn mower my narcissistic boyfriend jumped up from the waiting room he was in and came running in angry and disoriented. The next day another emotionally vampiric ex-boyfriend contacted me by Email and so did his ex-wife, and his daughter. I was amazed at the power of this rather simple process. Those who had been disconnected felt me on some level and made contact with me in effort to re-connect.

Earlier that same month a woman, who could see energy, saw a hose like chord going from me to my boyfriend and said that he was sucking my energy.

As I began studying narcissism and its psychic affects on the victim, I could see the power those psychic chords had on influencing our reality. I also saw the importance of detaching or severing those chords in order to be free of the continuing psychic affects of that relationship.

I performed a series of chord cutting exercises on myself to break the psychic bonds with my ex-narcissistic boyfriend. I could see how he would re-attach psychically even after six months of not seeing him. This would happen at my weakest moments when I was blaming myself or feeling down about myself in some way. In a sense I would invite the connection back because there was a part of me that wanted it.

Unfortunately the psychic connection between myself and my ex-boyfriend was very unhealthy for me. It resulted in my feeling weak, disempowered, obsessive, sad, depressed, tired, and seeing myself as a failure. Severing the psychic chords would restore my power and sense of confidence in myself.

I realized that through this psychic connection I was taking on everything he had always projected onto me. I was owning his stuff, allowing the dark, murky waters of his emotional reality to flow into my energy field, polluting my reality.

When we severe the psychic hose that dumps the murky, toxic energy of an unconscious partner or former partner into our energy field, we can begin to see clear water once again. It was pretty clear that this narcissistic individual in my life needed to have someone to dump his repressed emotional toxicity onto in order to feel strong within himself. If he wasn't dumping on me he would be dumping on someone else.

Once we disconnect those psychic, emotional chords the person who has been borrowing our energy will feel a difference and he may even know, on some level, that something has just happened and it has to do with you. Often the phone will ring, or we will get an email, or he may even show up at the door. This is a time we need to be particularly strong and keep our energy to ourselves.

Sometimes we need to repeat the process of cutting the psychic chords several times in order to be completely free of the energy that is draining us. I believe that the process always works, even when we don't feel an immediate difference. The only reason it may not seem to work, for some, is that the they have become so accustomed to the murky energy of the psychic vampire in their life that they invite the chord to reattach.

We get comfortable with what is is familiar and if we have established a pattern with a narcissistic or emotional vampire we have to really understand how to break that connection and change the pattern.

I spoke to a woman who once described the attachment like a grey cloud over her head and she was so used to this cloud that when it was gone she missed it and went seeking the cloud. It was as if having blue skies in her life was unfamiliar and somewhat uncomfortable. We get used to our dark clouds and aren't sure what to do when they are gone. It is the same reason that victims of abuse keep finding people to abuse them. It is familiar and comfortable.

So when you cut those psychic chords you have to be ready and willing to embrace a change in your life. There will be something missing! But nature always moves in to fill a void in our lives. Be prepared to accept something better. Invite something better into your life. Invite love, light and positive energy. It may take a while to get used to how this feels in your energy field, but once you adapt to it, you will be glad you put out the invitation.

Cutting the Psychic Energy Chords
Lawn Mower

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